This can use either a 64mm EDF unit, 2 55mm edf's or 1 pusher prop. I elected to use 2 50mm units as they are more common. I purchased 2 10 blade Dr. Mad Thrust units for 4S. I installed them using 2 40 amp esc's and I power it all with a 4S 2200 60C battery. This thing has the most wicked sound, with those 2 edf's screaming!. Tons of power also. Pretty darned fast, unlimited vertical and tracks really nice. All my friends want one of these after seeing this thing. using 2 edf's is a little more expensive but the sound makes it all worthwhile. I had problems getting the stickers to lay down properly, so I left them off. I will paint it as soon as I figure out what color I want to paint it. Mine ended up with about 4mm of up deflection on the elevons to fly straight. super easy to hand launch, it just flies straight out of your hand! Highly recommended!
発泡成形体は良質である。 私の場合は、翼と「交換可能な」ハードウェアの両方を持っていませんでした。 11 ブレード 64 mm ファンは取り付けられません。 チューブの外側が大きすぎると、66mmのEDFだけが機能します。 アセンブリはまっすぐで、セットアップ手順は明確でした。 デカールは品質が良く、泡立ちも最小限です。 私はそれを飛行しようとすると興奮しています。