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Banggoodでの%sのトップポジティブレビュー, Banggoodで最も安い価格で最高の%sを購入してください。購入する前に、%sの最も役立つ肯定的なレビューを参照してください。, rcおもちゃ、楽しいスポーツ、ファッション、人気のある電子機器
BG148351122 31/03/2021
very bright! much much much brighter then I was expecting! immediately with the kitchen lights on you could see the solar panel was charging the batterys already. very well made, feels light but strong. remote works flawless, out of the box first impression is 5 star. Will leave on and test light longevity.
コメント (8)
  • BG181010251 Did you get s,m,l

    返信 03/07/2021
  • Phillipgriffin @BG181010251 got the large! and very very happy with it!

    返信 07/07/2021
  • Robert Sheis so cute...

    返信 20/09/2022
  • cabanelu 15 min.?...

    返信 18/01/2023
  • s57baj Itis 300W, so it should be blinding bright and glowing hot. At 1S3P the current should be over 80 Amps per pack and the lamp should last for about 7 minutes with best 18650 batteries in the world. I would not let my child near that lamp since it would burn his hands and make him temporary blind. Be aware.. or.... everything is a lie and this is a low power light, safe that your child can hold it?

    返信 22/01/2023
  • BG178231693 TotalplayADELA GIZ#106
    Fhehu kdiwfy jdt ksy
    dyhe 81-3940-0957
    dfyh gu$200.

    返信 04/02/2023
  • conoconojuliford they shipped me a defective product and I hate it

    返信 10/08/2023
  • BG445351053 en étant tout à fait honnête cette lumière c'est ampoule éclair très très bien la livraison se fait relativement dans les temps donc en général ça arrive au bout d'une semaine et demie de semaine pour la France et franchement je ne suis pas déçu

    返信 10/04/2024
