Eachine QX95 QX90 QX80 QX100 Hubsan X4 DIY クワッドコプター 720 820モータ用 Walkera QR Ladybird ブレード プロペラ
Original Walkera propellers in original package. Fast shipping! If you have a QR-1 or X4, get these instead of stock. They fit just fine and are so much better. These props are many times better balanced and give your Qr-1/X4 much more stability and thrust. These are also much more durable and made of better material. Buy these from banggood and get more bang for your buck! Thank you banggood!
I love these things. There so much better then the stock Hubsan blades on my H107l. The durability is night and day... I will be buying more.