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Banggoodでの%sのトップポジティブレビュー, Banggoodで最も安い価格で最高の%sを購入してください。購入する前に、%sの最も役立つ肯定的なレビューを参照してください。, rcおもちゃ、楽しいスポーツ、ファッション、人気のある電子機器
Mikie 21/02/2021
Unbelievable kit, absolutely fantastic!!! Everything fits perfect and well thought out. I have been doing this hobby most of my life and have never seen anything so complete. Two tail configurations easily swapped. Two sets of counter rotating props, power control board with several 5volt connections, screw on covers for servos and ESCs, additional mounting boards for equipment, GPS mounting board with cover.....and the list goes on. BUY ONE!!!
コメント (4)
  • Drone Camps RC I agree. built mine yesterday and this morning finishing up my DJI fpv on her. Man the foam quality is amazingly dense! Everything about this plane is legit. Huge improvement over the original version. Good luck with yours Millie! - Justin Davis @ Drone Camps RC 👍🏻💥

    返信 06/03/2021
  • Conrad That'sgreat news Mikie! Just ordered mine as it appears the price has come down quite a bit. Let the good times ROLL! Thanks for you review!

    返信 31/12/2021
  • vincimario Srupendo

    返信 10/12/2023
  • tubamanandy Where'sthe well thought out support for a digital VTX with proper cooling etc ??

    返信 11/05/2024
