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Banggoodでの%sのトップポジティブレビュー, Banggoodで最も安い価格で最高の%sを購入してください。購入する前に、%sの最も役立つ肯定的なレビューを参照してください。, rcおもちゃ、楽しいスポーツ、ファッション、人気のある電子機器
BDProductions 22/01/2019
I just powered up the red pair I received and the left side one the rear 20% of the image is blurry. The right side one is perfectly sharp for the entire image. I bought them for courtesy door lights for a car's foot wells because white or blue would have been too bright, interfering with night vision. Good balance between usable light and too bright. I would have given them 5 stars across the board if the left side one didn't project a blurry image.
コメント (3)
  • owenkilleen Openit up and fiddle with the lens a bit, it's possibly a focus issue. Just enjoy getting it right :)

    返信 08/02/2019
  • Ep Ep Tan does it have adjustment for the focus light?

    返信 04/06/2019
  • ايمن موسي يوجد الشحن لمصر

    返信 16/06/2019
