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Banggoodでの%sのトップポジティブレビュー, Banggoodで最も安い価格で最高の%sを購入してください。購入する前に、%sの最も役立つ肯定的なレビューを参照してください。, rcおもちゃ、楽しいスポーツ、ファッション、人気のある電子機器
Radical_Multirotors 23/08/2017
The board works but unfortunately my board OSD has issues. Right at the throttle increase the OSD will disappear and the fpv picture gets very bad. Such a shame. The PDB of that board looks the cheapest one can get. probably the reason why the OSD and picture quality through the board is bad.
コメント (4)
  • Nexxusty I have no issues whatsoever with my OSD. It's either a bad board (which happens) or you soldered something incorrectly.You are using the filtered grounds for the VTX correct?

    返信 28/08/2017
  • Gsimpson2g Make sure your Camera and VTX are sharing the same ground. Its a common issue to have the OSD go in and out when they are not sharing the same ground.

    返信 11/09/2017
  • Klaus I have the same problem, if I connect V-out to VTX and camera to V-in the fpv picture gets very bad and it isn't a GROUND sharing issue becouse I tested without camera too (only OSD V-Out to VTX) and the pictures are same bad, if I connect camera directly on VTX (not passing trought OSD on flight controller) pictures are good, when throttle increases pictures gets worse, very disappointed about this issue, I lost much time to test everything, but no solutions to use OSD by this FC.

    返信 21/11/2017
  • banggood @Klaus Dear customer,
    Thank you for choosing Banggood and sorry for any inconvenience came up with the product.
    Could you please so kind to click this link: https://www.banggood.com/Contact-Us_hi111 to email us? You will be appreciated if you can send us your order number and a video or some pictures to show your problem. Thanks in advance for your kindly understanding and cooperation.

    返信 22/11/2017
