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Banggoodでの%sのトップポジティブレビュー, Banggoodで最も安い価格で最高の%sを購入してください。購入する前に、%sの最も役立つ肯定的なレビューを参照してください。, rcおもちゃ、楽しいスポーツ、ファッション、人気のある電子機器
BG143419533 03/04/2024
Hi, BG.... I, have some problems to explain you what's happened to my laotie LS8pro, but after while this jewel (motor) it was arrived to me!! Firstly it was arrived the tire, and then after more than a 2 months late arrive the motor!! I just wanted to thank you for the follow up you had whit me and my order!! I hope to not have any more this kind of problem with my e-scooter Laotie LS8pro, and now I just wait to make it run like before!!!
