DC10-60V 30A 1500Wから12-90Vブーストコンバーターステップアップ電源モジュール
This step-up converter is powerful and versitile. There are two adjustment settings. One for constant voltage and one for constant current. I use this converter on my e-bike together with a 3-phase rectifier that is connected in line with the hub motor cable. This converter is adjusted to 45V output, but with a current limit of 6 Ampére regenerating charging current. The converter delivers 45V out when the input voltage is as low as 7-8 VDC. The constant current works perfectly. It delivers 6 A out when input voltage varies from 12 - 42 Volt. The converter was delivered in a thin plastic bag with some stuffing inside. Small dents on the capacitors, but the converter works fine.
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