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Banggoodでの%sのトップポジティブレビュー, Banggoodで最も安い価格で最高の%sを購入してください。購入する前に、%sの最も役立つ肯定的なレビューを参照してください。, rcおもちゃ、楽しいスポーツ、ファッション、人気のある電子機器
beakyboy 30/11/2019
So I bought 2 packs of 2 batteries. First off, as most reviewers have noted, these can't be 4000mAh. And certainly at $5 each. I load tested all four batteries down to 3V.. The results were 1733, 1729, 1747 and 1436mAh (I'll retest the latter just to check). The weight of the each of them was approximately 44.5g. They are oversized because of their "protection" so they may not fit in some applications
コメント (11)
  • MarcBohets Strange that you still give 4 starts, when the capacity is not even half of the rated capacity, in this case only 1 star would be more appropriate.

    返信 12/12/2019
  • beakyboy @MarcBohets price versus performance. at less than $4 each - that's a lot of storage.

    返信 13/03/2020
  • carlos herrerias Cierto estas baterias no on de 4000mAh

    返信 02/06/2020
  • wowi55 @MarcBohets i fully agree, 1 star!
    they keep testing with how much they get away with. some are labelling 6000mA, what next? 1,000,000 mAh gold-plated?

    返信 04/06/2020
  • yo8aiv with this money u get original 3300mAh cells

    返信 24/09/2020
  • TDFPV @MarcBohets I heard they dont post 1 star reviews maybe thats why

    返信 25/09/2020
  • BG454815199 curious, is the 4000mah for all 4 batteries combined?

    返信 26/09/2020
  • Steven Nelson @BG454815199 goof observations 😂

    返信 12/10/2020
  • BG451117554 Beakboy good job. God job

    返信 16/10/2020
  • adziukas At this moment, hightest capacity of 18650 battery is 3500mAh. No one have made 4000mAh

    返信 21/11/2020
  • AlexSkvortzov hello. its fine 4 stars. but what can i fo about over size?

    返信 07/01/2023
