配送先 United Kingdom , USD
Banggoodでの%sのトップポジティブレビュー, Banggoodで最も安い価格で最高の%sを購入してください。購入する前に、%sの最も役立つ肯定的なレビューを参照してください。, rcおもちゃ、楽しいスポーツ、ファッション、人気のある電子機器
BG2451324 02/04/2023
value for money
コメント (2)
  • Dabad I'm surprised that you were able to get it shipped. I gave up after numerous attempts to buy a frame and then delays of 3months before they cancel my order. so congrats to even getting one sent to Aus

    返信 25/08/2023
  • BG913205010 For some reason I ordered the same model.as you but my battery won't take a charge is there somewhere special that puts outnmore.power? Because my walls in my apartment when I plug with chargers in because I bought 2 new chargers as well and it just shows green like it's charged all the way but I know it's dead because everything shut off after 2 days of riding it but when I went to plug it in it keeps showing green and I'm wondering if I'm doing something wrong or do I need to open the battery and plug something together I'm not sure

    返信 06/06/2024
